Watch a Day in the Life of Translators and 翻译s
See how 翻译s and 翻译s work in this short animated video.

翻译人员使用书面文字, converting text from a source language into a target language. This is far more than replacing one word with another. 译者还必须传达风格, 语气, 和文本的意图, 同时考虑到文化差异 and 方言.
经常, the finished document should read as if it had originally been written in the target language for the target audience. 但情况并非总是如此. Highly specialized content may require the 翻译 to retain elements of the source language culture in the target language translation. A professional 翻译 will have the expertise to know the best approach for the translation.
Some 翻译s may be able to understand several different source languages, but in general they have just one target language—typically their native language.
Translators not only understand the source language but also write extremely well in the target language.
像许多专业作家一样, 翻译人员专注于某些主题领域, 比如法律, 医学, 业务, 银行, 技术, 和科学. Specialization requires an in-depth knowledge of the subject and its terminology in both the source and target languages
Some 翻译s price their work based on the number of words in the source language, others charge by the number of words in the target language. 有些是按小时收费的. When you need a fast turnaround on a translation project, ask the 翻译 if he or she would be willing to work longer hours for an extra fee, 通常被称为“冲刺”收费.
费率也因专业和语言而异. 在一般情况下, translating a local news article will cost less than a technical document, while an English-into-Spanish translation will usually cost less than an English-into-Chinese translation of the same document.

口译员用口语工作, converting speech from a source language into a target language. This is far more than speaking two languages fluently. The 翻译 must also communicate the style and 语气 of the speaker, 同时考虑到文化差异, 方言, 和设置. The listeners should hear the interpreted message as if it had been originally spoken in their own language.
大多数口译员都是双向工作的, meaning that an 翻译 often works both to and from the target and source languages.
翻译s not only understand the source language but also communicate extremely well in the target language.
同声翻译 requires the 翻译 to listen and comprehend in one language (source) while "simultaneously" providing an interpretation in a second language (target).
Settings for simultaneous interpreting include court proceedings, 国际会议, 电视新闻广播, 新闻发布会. The sessions at the United Nations are the most commonly recognized use of simultaneous interpreting.
交替传译 requires the 翻译 to hear several complete sentences in one language (source) before the speaker stops to allow the 翻译 to provide an interpretation in a second language (target).
Settings for consecutive interpreting include small meetings, 人与人之间的沟通, 还有问答环节, such as attorney-client interviews and physician-patient encounters.
翻译s often specialize in certain subject areas, 比如法律, 医学, 业务, 银行, 技术, 科学, 和文学. Specialization requires an in-depth knowledge of the subject and its terminology in both the source and target languages
To perform effectively and accurately, 翻译s must be able to hear the speaker clearly. It is also helpful—and preferable—if the 翻译 can see the speaker.
翻译s set their rates by the length of the job—hourly, 半天, or full day. 如果你需要一整天的翻译, 一定要指定当天是否为7, 8, 或者更长时间.
- Hire a language professional who is skilled in writing in his or her native language
- Look for a language professional who specializes in the subject area of your 业务
- Provide the language professional with as much information as you can about the assignment
- 建立收费字数的基础, 源或目标, 并催促翻译服务, 和每小时, 半天, 或者一整天, and the number of hours in a day for 翻译s
- 检查参考文献和翻译样本